Thursday, July 4, 2013


The Wichita Wild are the Champions of the newly formed Champions Professional Indoor Football League. The Kansas City Renegades appear to have placed fifth in the league, and now the fans of this new league and team can sit back and wonder, will there be a 2014 Season, and will Kansas City place a team?  Why do I make this statement?  Because for the most part, fan support of the league was at best, dismal.  Having caught several of the games on the internet, and looking at the reported attendance by those who were brave enough to post their numbers (of which Kansas City was not), one has to wonder if the league can find a place that will let them hold their games.

As for Arena Football in Kansas City, I don't believe it will stick around, and if the Renegades manage to field a team for one more season, it will be their last.  No way that they can afford to play at the Sprint Center, I keep hearing that Kemper's days are numbered, and there are few places left that give enough overhead clearance for a kickoff, and I doubt many of them would give up space for a low draw team like the Renegades.  As for the alleged arrival of a Female Arena Football Team, I keep hearing that one is in the works, but there is absolutely nothing to support the claims.  And after watching Kansas City lose an AFL team and put on a poor showing for an even lesser indoor league, I doubt that the Lingerie Football League would bring a team to Kansas City now.

Frankly there is no reason to continue this blog, so its going dormant.  Should, but some freak of nature that Kansas City would come up with an Arena team worth talking about, if the AFL should fix their lack-luster issues from having broke the player's union and drove down prices to the point where the good indoor players won't stay in the league, then the blog MAY come back.  But don't hold your breath.