Friday, May 6, 2011

Iowa Barnstormers Sit Fans - Reflections on an ArenaFan Article

 “we want to make sure every fan has a good time and can see the game.” The intent of the code of conduct was not to make every fan sit the whole time. Exciting plays, of course, they will stand. Fourth downs are another opportunity. But “a fan should not stand the whole time.” - John Petit, Iowa Barnstormers
The Iowa Barnstormers have put into place a "Ticket Holder Code of Conduct."  In this Code of Conduct, it mirrors the basic AFL rules.  It calls for orderly behavior, and no swearing.  But it goes a step further.  It states that fans are to sit in their seats during the game.  This step further has angered a group of people who call themselves Super Fans, and Super Fan Sharon Soares recently wrote an article for Arenafan Online attacking this term of the Ticket Holder Code of Conduct.
My intent for writing an article for Iowa was to show them the same respect and love that I have started showing the Kansas City Command. Unfortunately, due to many miscommunications, the love we have for the team was shattered by a concern for the fans. Barnstomers ticket holders now have a code of conduct. Thanks to this political politeness, the Iowa Barnstormers are losing their super fan base. - Sharon Soares, Arenafan Online
Now, I understand that this is going to piss a few people off, but it needs to be said.  You need to get over yourselves.  This opinion of self-importance and importance as a group needs to be put into check.  You be getting certain benefits and special treatment from the owners for being Super Fans, but it only goes as far as your not interfering with the bottom line ... ticket sales.  Apparently, you've generated enough complaints and you're interfering with the sale of seats behind you to the point that the owners have decided that its time to take action, and apparently, asking this group of Super Fans to be courteous of others behind them was not something they figured would work.  Could it be that they are familiar with the nickname "Fight Crew"?  Of how members of your Super Fan section would argue with fans when you were asked to take a break and take a seat?

Think about it?  What level of arrogance believes that 40 to 100 tickets in a section are more important than the rest of the section?  I could understand that if the 40 to 100 tickets were a major majority of the section, but it is unlikely that they are.  To take is a step further and think that these 40 to 100 Super Fans are more important than the other 8,000 people in attendance is, well ... I'm sorry, you say you're educated, but it is apparently not in business.

But its worse.  Your complaint that you're being told that you can't stand constantly during a game wasn't voiced just to the owners, not to your friends, but it became an article for ArenaFan Online.  You have gone out and told the handful of people who read this site that you think you're more important that the other 8,000+ people attending an Iowa Barnstormers game.

I'm sorry.  There are a lot of good people out there who were and are involved in the Flight Crew.  They are friendly and courteous to the people around them, and they are very supportive of their team.  The problem is that the reputation of the Flight Crew and the so-called Super Fans is not going to be based on these people, but the actions of a handful of self-centered egomaniacs that conduct themselves like spoiled brats.

Its time to take a step back and take a hard look at yourself, and decide if this is how you want to be seen by others.

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